China is keeping its economic growth target at “around 5%” for 2025 despite a looming trade war with the United States and other headwinds.
Donald Trump's authoritarianism and rise to power is drawing comparisons to Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution.
Our expert guest speaker draws parallels with the chaotic Cultural Revolution in China in 1966.
In 1959, at 23 years old, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, fled to India with thousands of Tibetans following a failed uprising against Mao Zedong's Communist rule.
The president evoked a Mao Zedong slogan to reiterate his confidence in China’s economic triumph at a high-profile meeting on the private sector.
That event was intended to echo a gathering in 1929 when Mao Zedong maneuvered to bring the armed forces under Communist Party control.
Elon Musk has reposted a tweet suggesting that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were not responsible for murdering millions of people.
I was three years old when the Cultural Revolution was launched by the Chinese Communist Party’s paramount leader Mao Zedong.
During the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s Chinese people had to carry their Little Red Books, which contained Mao Zedong ideas about Communism.
In the second half of the 1950s, Mao gradually turned his back on peaceful coexistence and returned to a more radical vision of international politics based on class struggle.
The chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall stands on the former sits of Zhonghuamen Gate at the southern end of Tian'anmen Square between the Monument to the People's Heroes and Zhengyangmen Gate.
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