News related to xobniv


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  • PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.

  • From this premise, Xobni (that’s Inbox spelled backwards), makers of a popular email plugin for Outlook and Gmail, released Smartr for iPhone a few weeks ago on the App Store.

  • Xobni is launching an application development platform and store for its popular Microsoft Outlook plug-in, which has about 7 million users.

  • who joined San Francisco-based startup Xobni as senior director of mobile applications.

  • The free browser plug-in Smartr Inbox for Gmail by Xobni is a contact manager that provides simple stats about your connections.

  • senior director of WebOS Application Development at HP who left in November for a position as senior director of mobile applications at Xobni, a San Francisco based social media startup .