News related to ww1


Because your opinion matters

  • The Rockport Police Department, alongside the Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad and Rockport Fire Department, responded to the discovery of a World War 1-era ordnance device.

  • "The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time" So remarked the British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, as the European continent geared up for war in .

  • Typically, when people think of submarine warfare, they probably recall the deadly U-boats of World War II.

  • EXCLUSIVE: The Sentinels sees a new breed of French super-soldier take to the WW1 battlefield.

  • WW1: Did the machine-gun save lives? documentWW1: Did the machine-gun save lives? Despite the thousands of deaths attributed to the use of the machine-gun in WW1, did its awesome threat actually .

  • Thanks for that.

  • Travel in the Highlands was severely restricted during WW1 and anyone wishing to do so had to apply for a special pass.