News related to quiet peoplev


Because your opinion matters

  • Instead of seeking thrills and wild scenes, the hottest travel trend is about one's own "quietude" and mindful meditation in hopes of finding transformation.

  • “Quiet on Set” touched on influential producer Dan Schneider and how he created popular shows and launched the careers of stars like Amanda Bynes and Drake Bell.

  • Here is the sitch on Christy Carlson Romano and Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.

  • Christy Carlson Romano says she turned down an offer to work with the 'Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV' team.

  • Quiet on Set' survivors Raquel Lee Bolleau and Alexa Nikolas say the series got facts wrong and further exploited their childhood abuse.

  • Noise-canceling headphones may benefit your ears, but too much noise reduction can alter how your brain processes sound.

  • That felt like the most devastating thing, and it wasn’t just happening at Nickelodeon.

  • The former child actress said the documentary reflected “things that I heard about other sets during our time.

  • There was this sense people are watching and, holy cow, they really get it.

  • Mayim Bialik and Christy Carlson Romano reacted to the "Quiet on Set" docuseries on the latest episode of Bialik's podcast.

  • "There have been hundreds of media outlets and content creators who have evolved this story.