News related to ozone depletion diagram


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  • The most common unit of measurement for atmospheric ozone levels—known as the Dobson unit (DU)—was named in his honor.

  • what scientists call an “ozone depletion area.

  • As bromoform decomposes, bromide is released, and bromide can significantly affect ozone depletion in the lower stratosphere.

  • Monsoons are not just reshaping weather but are also unexpectedly carrying large amounts of ozone-depleating substances into stratosphere.

  • Image caption, A diagram of the ozone layer ‘hole .

  • Powerful monsoon winds, strengthened by a warming climate, are lofting unexpectedly large quantities of ozone-depleting substances high into the atmosphere over East Asia, new research shows.

  • Atmospheric Scientists Reveal Much of Houston's Ozone Exceedance Due to Air Flows from the North Sep.

  • Benca and his team simulate the impact of ozone depletion caused by massive volcanic eruptions that occurred at the end of the Permian Period, about 299 million years ago.

  • resulting from an international ban on chlorine-containing man-made chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has resulted in about 20% less ozone depletion during the Antarctic winter than .

  • What is ozone therapy? Experts break down this type of alternative medicine and whether it can help reduce chronic inflammation.

  • Ozone has announced a new agreement with Dow Jones.