News related to lexapro


Because your opinion matters

  • Dear J.

  • Healthcare providers generally recommend avoiding drinking alcohol while taking Lexapro (escitalopram).

  • Effexor XR (venlafaxine) and Lexapro (escitalopram) are prescription medications used to treat depression and anxiety.

  • This page contains answers to some common questions about Lexapro.

  • In the analysis of 12 drugs, two came out on top as the most effective and best tolerated as first-line treatments: sertraline (Zoloft) and escitalopram (Lexapro).

  • You can replace iron with a supplement and, if your depression gets better, this will be evidence that the low iron does affect your mood.

  • Ian Anselmo was not insane when he strangled and killed his pregnant stepmother in 2019, a prosecution psychiatrist opined during Anselmo's murder trial.

  • It meant that the trial had the following two comparison study groups: The antidepressant escitalopram (Lexapro) arm with 21 people.

  • A Lake County jury is scheduled to consider the case of Ian Anselmo, accused of killing his pregnant stepmom.

  • Exercise can lower heart disease risk by affecting stress responses in the brain, and especially benefit people with depression, a new study has shown.

  • Sweating and bad odour might be common, especially in summer, it can also cause embarrassment and social anxiety.

  • Therapist and author Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch shares his view on a hot topic in today’s world: the growing use of psychedelics for treatment in the Jewish world.