News related to kennedy


Because your opinion matters

  • Prominent Kennedy family member Kerry Kennedy's interview on CNN was derailed by an anti-Biden protester unleashing blood-curdling screams.

  • Close races in swing states remain close even with independent presidential candidate Robert F.

  • Dozens of Robert F.

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr ’s former environmental colleagues, along with several national organisations, have called for him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

  • Well-known members of the storied political family endorsed the president in Philadelphia, rejecting one of their own as he worries Democrats with an independent bid.

  • Prominent members of the Kennedy dynasty are standing with President Biden even as their relative pursues the White House in a campaign that has traded on the family name.

  • A CNN interview with a prominent Kennedy family member was derailed by an anti-Biden protester on Thursday with blood-curdling screams.

  • The campaigns of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have worried that Robert F.

  • Kennedy family members endorsed President Biden rather than Robert F.

  • The guard from Hockessin, Del.

  • Siblings appear on stage with president at campaign event in Philadelphia and offer-full throated support of White House run .

  • Former Rep.