News related to globalization


Because your opinion matters

  • The man behind many memorable ad campaigns has written a new book, ‘Orgasm,’ that aims to challenge some widely held political, societal and financial beliefs .

  • A study by Dr.

  • [Photo/Xinhua] Some believe globalization is a solution to the world's problems, while others claim that its political, economic and social impact is largely negative.

  • At the end of the Cold War, many thinkers optimistically predicted that globalization would cause societies’ social values to converge around liberal notions of personal rights and freedoms.

  • The income of many people around the world has considerably increased due to the economic globalization of the last 50 years.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron has emphasized that Europe has been "naïve" in its perception of the affairs of the world and that it is not up to the current challenges because "the rules of the .

  • Developing nations have long complained that globalisation has enthroned western currencies in such a way as to subsidise living standards in the rich world.

  • The diktats of these Washington-based institutions — mandating austerity, deregulation and privatization — prefigured a wave of globalization that crested into the 21st century.

  • When discussing the global order and China's foreign policy, we must examine how China adapts its foreign policy to changes in the global order.

  • A new report from Binghamton University underscores the global neglect of worker rights, ranking countries on their human rights observances and identifying a decline in the protection of labor rights .

  • Combined with its outstanding performance of the auto show, the brand completely demonstrated its globalization development achievements and won the trust and recognition of global partners.