News related to engineering


Because your opinion matters

  • AI might not be changing platform engineering just yet, but platform engineering is changing AI.

  • Olathe-based engineering consulting firm Terracon Consultants Inc.

  • USC Aiken held a grand opening for its new engineering work area, the Pacer Makerspace and Machine Shop.

  • GenAI represents a new paradigm in how software is developed, and it's revolutionizing the entire landscape of software engineering.

  • Treetown Tech LLC, an engineering innovation firm based in Ann Arbor, has added battery engineering capabilities to its services.

  • By John Revill ZURICH (Reuters) -ABB shares soared to their highest ever level on Thursday after the Swiss engineering group posted better-than-expected first quarter profit and signalled faster .

  • “The center is the start of a journey that brings new opportunities to improve the resource that we all use and share in some way,” said Vahid, an associate professor of electrical engineering in .

  • UH Engineer Honored for His Contributions in the “Interests of All Mankind” .

  • South Carolina State University is no longer recommending that its board of trustees cut a number of the school's degree programs in history and education.

  • The University of Colorado Colorado Springs College of Engineering and Applied Science celebrated the completion of the Anschutz Engineering Center and the Design and Prototyping Center on Thursday, a .

  • A research paper recently published by Microsoft details how AI is turning software engineering into a fully automated task, rendering developers "mere supervisors.

  • Currently, there are over 620,000 manufacturing positions unfilled in the United States.