News related to childhood obesity


Because your opinion matters

  • According to data from the stateofchildhoodobesity.

  • Surprisingly, places like South America, North Africa, and the Middle East will be severely affected.

  • The findings highlight "monumental societal failures" in the fight against obesity, said population health researcher Jessica Kerr.

  • Childhood obesity is on the rise, with alarming projections showing one in six children and adolescents could be obese by 2050.

  • More than half of adults and a third of children and teens worldwide will be overweight or obese by 2050, a comprehensive global analysis has concluded.

  • Children ages two to eight years across 11 Pacific jurisdictions—including Hawaiʻi—are not meeting daily recommended intakes for key micronutrients .

  • Experts advise parents to create a healthy environment by encouraging balanced nutrition and limiting processed foods .

  • A major international study has found children and adolescents in Australia have experienced some of the fastest transitions to obesity in the world.


  • Experts say incorporating mental health support into obesity care is critical for effective and sustained outcomes.