News related to bush tax cuts


Because your opinion matters

  • Most Americans hate giving rich people tax cuts.

  • The president’s attempt to shield the middle class from tax increases adds tax-code complexity as more households’ income rises above $400,000.

  • At the polls, we voters need to remember and understand real events and not simply vote on the basis of meaningless election campaign slogans.

  • The real problem is the tax cuts for the wealthy.

  • Punted deadlines on must-pass legislation drove lobbying activity and revenues, as expenditures by K Street’s biggest spenders ticked up in the first quarter of this year.

  • Lt.

  • One of the cornerstones of the traditional Republican Party had been less government in our lives.

  • Teresa Landrum can't help but smile as she waves to each person entering the St.

  • When Matt Gaetz spotted me outside his office door one afternoon early last November, he popped in his AirPods and started speed walking down the hall.

  • Governor balances image as Illinois faces its most challenging budget outlook since the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • His aggressive interviewing style landed him a Sunday show on MSNBC.

  • Conservatives’ poor record of economic competence benefits Rachel Reeves’s party as she announces crackdown on tax avoidance .