Do you miss an old pet? Still mourning a deceased dog you had a special bond with? The UK's first commercial clinic for cloning is giving people the chance to recreate their favorite animal.
Scientists are on the verge of bringing extinct animals like the woolly mammoth, Pyrenean ibex, and Tasmanian tiger back to life.
Thousands of people have turned to cloning to bring back, in part, their deceased pets, and one company stands out in this market.
After a Montana man illegally cloned and bred an endangered giant sheep species, government agencies must now contend with the illicit offspring.
Marco Polo sheep are the largest in the world, weighing up to 300 pounds, and the cloning process created an even larger hybrid animal.
In 1979, the black-footed ferret was believed to be extinct.
For the first time, an endangered black-footed ferret named Antonia that was cloned from cryogenically-preserved tissue has given birth to two kits.
Sibert and Red Cloud, black-footed ferret siblings at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, are the first members of an endangered species born to a cloned animal.
A Montana man has been sentenced to six months in prison for trafficking a clone of a near-threatened Marco Polo argali sheep.
Scientists say the births of two ferrets are the first time a cloned endangered species has reproduced in a conservation program.
"Cloning is growing as fast as we can effectively manage the growth,’’ said Blake Russell, the president of ViaGen and ViaGen Pets.
The European Union assembly on Tuesday tightened a 2013 proposal by EU regulators that would provisionally prohibit the cloning of some animals -- cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and horses -- and the .