News related to reverse mortgages


Because your opinion matters

  • In 2010 we published a KnowRisk commentary with a greatly simplified description of the US budget called Federal Budget 101.

  • A financial planner says that a retiree confronted by rising property taxes might find a reverse mortgage helpful, according to MarketWatch.

  • She can barely make her mortgage payment as all her income goes towards the house payment and living expenses.

  • A reverse mortgage can help relieve financial pressure for seniors, but it's important to get the timing right.

  • Fortunately, there is a safe and reliable method to explore: reverse mortgages.

  • A reverse mortgage allows older homeowners to tap their home’s equity and receive tax-free payments.

  • As caregiving costs mount for adult children, Reuters offers ways to prepare, including the option of a reverse mortgage.

  • A reverse mortgage is a type of loan older homeowners can use to turn the equity of their primary residence into income.

  • Dan Swoish, Reverse Mortgage Specialist, Leads Seniors to Financial Freedom, Redefining Retirement Planning .

  • A look at the divide between retail and wholesale shows the latter was stronger, but several trends are moving "in the right direction.

  • "The Indicator from Planet Money," a finance podcast from NPR, took a listener question to offer facts about reverse mortgages.