News related to racism


Because your opinion matters

  • Sports fans tend to forget that though professional athletes are among the most popular and wealthiest people in the world, they still tend to face a lot of racism as well.

  • Five Families and the Cash Value of Racism in America,” journalist Tracie McMillan traces just how much of her family’s modest wealth can be attributed to their race.

  • “Racism is intricately linked to capitalism,” says famous Marxist Angela Davis.

  • The event on April 30 at the Montclair Art Museum will see the regional YWCA Racial Justice Awards go to six recipients.

  • Sleep and sleep disturbances have consequences for the development of adolescents and young adults.

  • A second-generation immigrant, Hazel Ying Lee was the first Chinese American woman to receive her pilot's license .

  • Beloved black actor Morgan Freeman had a simple solution for ending racism in a newly resurfaced 20-year-old interview.

  • Too many programs describe ‘the Black experience’ in confining ways.

  • The center is based out of the Institute of Living in Hartford with the main focus of studying the psychological impact of racial trauma on communities.

  • The policing office run by Sadiq Khan is set to spend up to £25,000 on “anti-racism allyship” training for members of the Metropolitan Police’s new scrutiny board.

  • President Joe Biden can only curtail the growing antisemitic chaos with a crackdown on illegal protests and violent threats, not appeasement.

  • If there is a photo that defines Kentucky’s 2024 regular session, it is a smiling Secretary of State Michael Adams signing House Bill 5 — a sprawling, data-questionable, pro-incarceration bill with an .