News related to oedipus


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  • Jocasta has been questioned by Oedipus for details on the death of King Laius.

  • Those who witnessed the 1881 production of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex can now see what eventually happened to the King in the play's sequel, Oedipus Coloneus, the last of the dramatist's seven extant .

  • Take a peek behind the scenes for Oedipus, Robert Icke’s new retelling of the classic Greek tale – during its cast photoshoot.

  • From chimps that wage war over territory to parrots that outperform Harvard students on memory tests, many other members of the animal kingdom demonstrate surprisingly human-like behavior.

  • Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus (or Oedipus Rex) has exerted more influence than any other drama, ancient or modern, on the history of theatre, and this influence has extended far beyond the boundaries of .

  • The Oedipus Complex is named after the character from a Greek tragedy who killed his father by mistake, and slept with his mother without realising who she was.

  • The same story, dramatized by Sophocles and called Oedipus Rex, moved an audience in Athens over 2,300 years ago.

  • Because I studied ancient Greek and Latin for many years, I developed a love for the Greek language — its unadorned sophistication — as well as for the great tragedians of fifth-century-before-Christ .

  • Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic ideas are widespread, but outdated.

  • Deaf Austin Theatre presents a powerful new production, CHRONICLES OF A BLACK DEAF BLIND GIRL, exploring the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals in the DeafBlind community.

  • Creon has entered the scene, having heard that Oedipus has spoken badly of him and believes Creon is plotting for the thrown.