News related to imperialism


Because your opinion matters

  • Deal allowing UK to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is ‘ethically questionable on many levels,’ says analyst Louis Gitinywa - Anadolu Ajansı .

  • Opinion: “It is unlikely that America can maintain its hegemonic domination over the changing world,” Benjamin Zhou writes.

  • The Democrats and Republicans approved massive additional funding for war against Russia in Ukraine, for Israeli genocide in Gaza, and for the US-led war buildup against China over Taiwan.

  • Imagine a future where the one trillion dollars that goes to the military every year, along with the millions of workers currently employed in related industries, could instead build a sustainable .

  • During the first two days of debate and discussion, panelists and participants discussed the pressing tasks of the left and progressive movements to organize the masses and confront the climate crisis .

  • The bill signed into law Wednesday by Biden provides $95 billion in additional war spending in Ukraine against Russia, in Israel and against China.

  • Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has made no secret of his desire to revise Turkey’s century-old borders.

  • The region and the world stand today on the brink of an abyss and facing a real threat of a wide regional war, and perhaps an even wider war.

  • Project" is a series of events, including a summit that starts Thursday.

  • But it's still hoping for an agreement.

  • The peoples crushed under British imperialism might not find Hywel Pratley's tribute to the late monarch and her dogs so endearing.

  • Workers Party of Bangladesh president Rashed Khan Menon on Monday said that imperialism was spreading wars worldwide.