News related to genetically modified food


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  • Explore our guide to understanding food labels like 'organic,' 'natural,' and more.

  • Five major business groups urged the government to prioritize support for biotech crops amid a recent court ruling stopping the commercial propagation of genetically modified rice and eggplant.

  • The Philippine government says the golden-rice ban will have “significant” implications for food security.

  • A court in the Philippines revoked the permit to grow rice genetically modified to boost vitamin A, but the government is expected to appeal against the decision .

  • Genetically modified seeds for purple tomatoes hit the market for home gardeners recently.

  • BANGLADESH has a wide diversity of rice and vegetables, but two genetically modified food crops — Bt brinjal and golden rice — are being promoted unnecessarily.

  • New legislation will allow for the increased use of new genomic techniques in plant research and crop development .

  • Surgeons had previously transplanted kidneys and livers from genetically modified cloned pigs into baboons and a handful .

  • It also said golden rice had received "positive food safety evaluations" from regulators in .

  • Surgeons had previously transplanted kidneys and livers from genetically modified cloned pigs into .

  • Pig organs are genetically modified for human compatibility The .