News related to genetic testing


Because your opinion matters

  • The designer's genetic profile showed an astonishing amount of Neanderthal DNA, which has captured the attention of millions online—and a scientist.

  • Considering genetic testing? Here are 10 things you should know about genetic testing and the impact it can have on your health.

  • Now, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office detectives said they have a "very strong belief" that they know who killed her, thanks to recent DNA testing.

  • Randy Hutchinson is president & CEO Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South.

  • Considering genetic testing? Here are 10 things you should know about genetic testing and the impact it can have on your health.

  • J ori Waskahat, an indigenous content creator, recently made a startling discovery about his ancestry.

  • For this, a novel assay based on high-throughput DNA sequencing was developed to perform targeted genetic testing, in order to identify causative mutations.

  • Pharmacogenetic testing is also insightful about how non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as dietary supplements like l-methylfolate or magnesium, might benefit patients.

  • Mozart and Maddy spent 13 years apart after being adopted into separate homes.

  • A fraudster who faked a DNA test in order to avoid paying child support gave a thumbs up as he was jailed.

  • VERIFY put three dog DNA companies to the test to figure out if they can identify your dog’s breed as accurately as they say.

  • The nonprofit DNA research center tests for 21 pathogens in honeybees.