News related to fahrenheit 451


Because your opinion matters

  • We’ve curated a selection of the best books about books, from metafictional classics including burn-after-reading Fahrenheit 451 and stories that emphasise the consciousness-altering, life-affirming .

  • Fahrenheit 451 is available to watch on HBO Max.

  • This is the premise of Ray Bradbury's acclaimed science-fiction novel Fahrenheit 451, which became the source material for French director François Truffaut's English-language debut.

  • Adaptation of Ray Bradbury's dystopian 1953 novel about a brutal totalitarian society in which books are not only banned, but burned, and all history, art, photos and facts are deleted or altered.

  • From merging libraries with her husband to exploring her childhood joys of reading under covers with a flashlight, Fadiman's reflections offer insights into how books shape our lives, relationships, .

  • As this idiocy was getting mocked, our favorite viscount of vérité at PolitiFact, Ciara O'Rourke, jumped in to let us know this claim of the misspelling of "Palastine" was FALSE, despite that we can .

  • There are no episodes available at the moment, subscribe to get updates when new episodes are available.

  • Francois Truffaut's interpretation of the Ray Bradbury story about a brutal totalitarian society in which books are banned.

  • TES writer spots carefully chosen titles lined up behind PM as he gives speech at school Want to join the revolution? There are free copies of our inaugural book for the first 20 to apply .