News related to democracy


Because your opinion matters

  • Gustavo Gorriti, the country’s most prominent journalist, is under investigation into claims he traded “media support” to government lawyers for leaks.

  • The Biden Administration’s agenda must take seriously the relationship between the economy Americans want and the political system that must exist to achieve it.

  • X’s chief troll is inciting a “censorship” moral panic in Brazil, undermining the democratically elected government’s efforts to squash far-right extremism.

  • Every country is, of course, unique, but the Polish success underscores common countries and candidates who have succeeded at “winning for democracy.

  • Big decisions taken by big powers like the US that impact the whole world might well be different if the millions impacted overseas also had a vote.

  • The trial started with competing narratives of whether the former president’s payment to a porn star was a legal means of swaying voters or part of a criminal conspiracy to influence the 2016 election .

  • We’ll talk about local news and news deserts in Texas, how communities are ipacted and what can be done to ensure Texans across the state have access to reliable local news.

  • In that state, Black people are more than a quarter of the population but had control over just one of the state’s seven districts.

  • The Keystone State’s 1.

  • The bid to oust Republican Rep.

  • Trump goes on trial for the least of his offenses.

  • Current geopolitical trends are pushing the EU to increasingly prioritize security in its international action and outreach, including on democracy policy.