News related to animal cloning


Because your opinion matters

  • Paleontologists found a new species of echinoderm that was halfway through the process of regeneration when it died.

  • An incredible 155-million-year-old fossil shows a starfish-like creature cloning itself.

  • University Chaplain David O'Leary stated that the Roman Catholic Church has not issued a decree on animal cloning, but that he personally sees a benefit to cloning if it is to be used to better human .

  • Embryos hold the secrets of regeneration, reproduction, and maybe even human immortality.

  • The brittle star specimen suggests that the sea creatures have been splitting themselves in two to reproduce for more than 150 million years.

  • “Science takes time and does not happen instantaneously,” Szuszwalak wrote.

  • Captive breeding, habitat restoration, and cloning is a much better way to save a species than shoveling animals onto a mythical boat two-by-two (talk about genetic bottlenecks!), but survival of .

  • Not all types of animals can currently be cloned because of cloning technology’s reliance on surrogates and live births.

  • Let me begin by saying that I do not support human cloning.

  • But cloning could offer an answer.